Construction &

Основные цифры

$140 million

Attracted investments


PPP companies working in partnership

1.5 million

workforce across constructions sector

Sustainable development sits at the core of Uzbekistan’s construction and housing sector. With the government wanting to build a brighter future for the country’s people, there have been significant improvements to sanitation and the availability of fresh drinking water, along with investment in more energy-efficient projects.

Affordable housing programmes such as Obod Qishloq" (Prosperous Village) and "Obod Mahalla" (Prosperous Neighbourhood) and Uzbekistan’s green mortgage markets – where banks offer lower rates for homes designed to reduce water and energy consumption – showcase the positive steps the country is making in moving towards a sustainable future for the next generation.

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are also driving major developments, including two projects in Bukhara and Namangan totalling $206.2 million, not to mention the ambitious Olympic Town development.

The construction sector alone contributes 7% to the country’s GDP and employs an estimated 1.5 million workers across different construction related roles.

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